Austin Matchmaker


Resolve to Find Love in 2013

It’s New Year’s and it’s time to resolve to find love. If you are ringing in the New Year all alone, chances are you’re ready to finally to resolve to find love in 2013. Of course, January is the perfect time to wipe your  slate clean of last year’s love mistakes to ensure that next year really is  filled with lasting love. If you are serious about fast forwarding to the  relationship of your dreams, it’s time to commit to the following six  resolutions.

1. Bust Old Patterns

If your luck in love is going to be different next year, the first thing you  need to do is get honest with yourself about the patterns that are holding you  back. Think back through the last few years- which experiences have you had over  and over? Do you pursue while he withdraws? Are you forever rescuing her?  Resolve to catch yourself making the same mistakes, then walk away, so you can  create new, healthy habits pronto.

2. Date Outside Your Type

Chances are if “your type” hasn’t panned out for you by now, it’s time to  discover a new type. Quirky artist not working out so well? Mr. Wall Street  never emotionally available? Resolve to date outside your normal comfort zone.  Consider opening up your expectations in regard to age, height, income, race,  job, etc. Soulmates come in unexpected packages- broaden your horizon and you’re  more apt to stumble upon an unexpected perfect match.

3. Ditch the Duds Fast

The best way to fast forward to The One? Stop wasting your time with people  who are clearly only Mr./Ms. Right Now. As long as you give away your valuable  time, attention, and emotion to the wrong partner, you’ll never find the right  relationship. Limit yourself to three months of dating, if the bond doesn’t  obviously have more potential by then, move on.

4. Blast through Dating Ruts

Yup- doing what you’ve always done, will get you what you’ve always gotten.  If you haven’t found the right partner during your usual routine, it’s time to  get creative in your daily & dating activities. Join new groups, take novel  classes, or frequent different coffee shops, bookstores, hiking trails, &  grocery stores. Your ideal mate is out there- if you are always somewhere new,  doing something different, you maximize the chances of serendipity working it’s  magic.

5. Share Your Best Self

Maybe it’s not just what you are doing that needs a makeover, but who you are  and how you show up! Get real with yourself by asking: What about you isn’t as  attractive as it could be? Ask your closest friend for honest feedback. Do you  tend to be overly anxious or pessimistic? Are quick to pass judgment or so shy  you fade into the background? Maybe it’s time to hit the gym, get some cute  clothes, or try a new hairstyle?

When you step into your best self, you’ll more naturally attract a better  partner- the one you truly deserve.

By making these 5 commitments, you’ll be well on your way to making 2013 the  year you finally find true love!