Austin Matchmaker


Swiping Won’t Find You Love In Austin

When you are single, remember that swiping won’t find you love in Austin.  Let’s face it -“swipe culture” is toxic. People spend hours doing endless “swiping” left or right on dating apps. Since Austin is such a big city, Austin singles might be attracted to dating apps because it seems more convenient. You can just find love online right from your couch!

However, you never know who you’re really talking to online, and “easy” often comes with a dark side.

Before the rise of dating apps, people had to rely on in-person interactions for potential dates. People met through work, friends, at social events, at bars. In other words, their relationships had pre-existing foundations of trust to be built on.

You knew what they actually looked like, and you could get a better sense of what kind of person they are. At Something More our sole mission is to find you real love in Austin, with people you can trust. You won’t have any anxiety or worries that your dates are being dishonest about who they are.

Unfortunately, there are no foundations in the dating world, with some dating site users hiding under anonymity and deceit. It’s easier than ever to lie about physical traits, age, profession, relationship status, or even their intentions. People dating in Austin might have no idea that their new Tinder match is actually married.

More and more people are moving to Austin every day, and thousands of people are on dating apps. Might sound great at first, right? More people = more chances to find love. But overwhelming choices can lead to self-doubt regarding potential daters. Many Austin singles are asking themselves, “Is the right person on the next swipe?” Or “Should I buy super likes to get noticed?”

endless swiping on dating apps leads to a vicious cycle of short-term romantic relationships.

Why would these dating app companies want to find you love in Austin when all they want is for you to renew your subscription? Even Justin McLeod, founder of the popular swiping app Hinge, wrote recently that the swiping interface is “designed to keep you single,” with an emphasis on messaging. He believes in targeting the masses and treating users as cards in a “slot-machine interface.” Why? To collect data and profit off you, and encourage you to pay for in-app “upgrades.”

Want to see who liked your profile? Pay a subscription of $30 per month.

People start to treat dating apps like more of a game or even a boredom cure rather than a tool for finding real relationships. Musician Kev Leam finds swiping “utterly soul-destroying” due to the lack of interaction. “On the rare moments I’ve had a match they’ve actually come out and said it’s just a game to them,” he says.

The sheer amount of choices causes people to never be satisfied and always wonder if there is an “upgrade” out there. This makes people feel disposable. At Something More, we exclusively work with single people in the Austin are who are serious. They are intentional about their career,  their goals, and most importantly, serious about finding love.

With us, you don’t have to worry that your dates are simply using you for entertainment or validation.

We’re more connected than ever, yet more disconnected than ever too. Dating apps are making it harder and harder to truly connect with another person on a real emotional level, and build a genuine connection. Singles in Austin who want a real relationship are often only finding people who just want to hook up or be friends with benefits. This is how you know that swiping won’t find you love in Austin.

They’re tired of mindless swiping, combing through who is honest and who is not, who is serious and who is not, and having meaningless connections. Single people who want to find love in Austin are trying Something More, the premier matchmaking service for professionals, because ultimately quality is better than quantity.

Here are the top reasons why swiping won’t find you love in Austin

1) It’s lazy dating

If someone really wants to get to know you then why are they messaging hundreds of people at once? There’s also the saying “walk it like you talk it” – so many people don’t actually want to meet someone even though they act like they do. They simply want validation, attention, to chat with people out of boredom, etc. It’s easy to say whatever you want over text with somebody you never plan to meet. Real effort goes far beyond that.

2) You are just like everyone else

Many people dating in Austin complain that people on dating apps write the same things in their bios – “I love walking on Town Lake, love to see concerts, love to travel, “The Office” quotes, “I’ll probably like your dog better than you”, and the classic: “here for a good time, not a long time.”

Can you really determine if you’d actually connect with a person through a basic 100 character biography and a few selfies on a dating app? This system makes everyone seem to blend together, and encourage you to make snap judgments based on rather irrelevant factors. You can’t truly set yourself apart on an app with thousands of similar profiles, like you could in person.

3) It’s very superficial

Rather than scrolling through a vertical stream of potential matches, mobile apps made the experience like playing cards. Each match is dealt, and can as quickly be played or discarded … but this time, “forever.” People are much more likely to just instantly swipe left or right based on quick judgments of the person’s attractiveness in their photo.

Many people don’t write bios, or don’t read them. It’s like “hot or not” in the form of a “dating app.” Real, mature adults know that superficial attractiveness isn’t everything and that personality can make the world of a difference. Reember that swiping won’t find you love in Austin.

4) More rejection:

Again, this is mainly because dating apps are superficial, mindless swiping. Dating apps feed into our on-demand culture. We want everything now, and we don’t want to wait. On dating apps we are opening ourselves up to way more unmet expectations and far more frequently than in real life.

Many men in particular report feeling a lot less satisfied with the amount of attention they receive on dating apps. With far more guys than girls saying they felt disappointed by being overlooked and feel like they will never find love in Austin.

5) Ghosting

People take advantage of the anonymity on dating apps. Rather than going on a real date, you are not giving the other person a chance.  You should decide  if you would like to move things further, rather than just  randomly stop talking to someone you may have led on.

They act like they are serious and want to meet you, only to stop responding and ghost you. Why? Because of all the reasons listed above, and it’s easy to do this through a phone screen.

6) Fake Validation

In 2022, there is a big focus on “likes” and followers. How many people liked your Instagram post, how many people are following you on Instagram, How many Facebook “friends” you have, or how many people liked your photo. These apps want you to be addicted to them, and companies profit off making you feel that you are lacking something.

Many people feel depressed and have low self-esteem because they aren’t getting many likes or responses on dating apps. Trent Petrie, professor of psychology at the University of North Texas, says: “With a focus on appearance and social comparisons, individuals can become overly sensitized to how they look and appear to others

They ultimately begin to believe that they fall short of what is expected of them in terms of appearance and attractiveness.”

7) Low quality dating pool

Successful and attractive people have already tried dating apps. They know that the type of person who they want to meet has long since deleted dating apps that did nothing but waste their time. One study found a low rate of matching, particularly for men on dating apps. This study also found that around 50 percent of matches do not message back.

Hence, dating app users are constantly being “disliked” and ignored. Worse still, many users report that first dates are often awkward, crude, and unrewarding. People report many demoralizing experiences in this new dating world, noting that in-person realities can be wildly different from online personas.

8) Texting is awkward

Many singles find that initial text-based conversations are awkward, and do not represent how they communicate in person. The initial text-based introduction is intimidating for people who don’t enjoy texting,  And even worse,  let’s face it – conveying tone and real personality through text is nearly impossible.

The beauty of Try Something More and matchmakers is that we do the initial introduction for you, We take care of all communication until you go on the date, and texting before the date is a big no-no. This ensures that the date will be natural and authentic, as well as takes a lot of stress and pressure away from you.

9) It’s time consuming

On average, millennial single people spend ten hours a week on dating apps. That’s a lot of time sorting through profiles and thinking of what to say in messages.Most of it will likely not lead anywhere or even lead to a real date. People often complain that most interactions through dating apps do not actually go anywhere.

But many people are claiming that they are looking to date and want to meet you.That time could be better spent on more productive endeavors,  to save you time and help you find a real relationship. Single people in Austin are learning how much time Try Something More saves them. We do the work for you, so you can enjoy high-quality dates.

10) Scams

In the past five years, people have reported losing a staggering $1.3 billion to romance scams. These numbers hit a record high last year in 2021. Specifically, there are a disproportionate amount of fake female accounts (often using stolen pictures of very attractive women) to lure in lonely men and steal from them.

They often use “sob stories”, claiming that they need money to feed their kids, or that they got a flat tire on the way there, etc.

Or these days, it’s often women simply advertising their OnlyFans accounts and trying to convince men to pay them for naked photos. You also have to worry about underage teens posing as adults on dating apps, people pretending to be somebody they are not, etc.

Seeking an expert eliminates this concern – we only work with real, serious people. We carefully vet and background check everyone we work with to protect your safety. We have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of scam.


For 13 years Something More has helped hundreds of singles find love. Our goal is to save you time and heartache by personally curating all of your matches so you never have to worry about safety or wasting time.

We expedite the dating process for you and hand-select only the best people for all of our clients. If you’re tired of the games, the flakes, the catfish, and the time wasted waiting for a real person to finally arrive, call us at Try Something More today.

Want more dating advice from Julia? Subscribe to her you tube channel  to see her dating advice videos.