I have discovered that there are many reasons why you should date during COVID. One is that it presents a unique opportunity to slow down and really connect with one another in a deeper way. Most of us are hungry for connection, and I’ve noticed people are being kinder. We’re more friendly when we see a neighbor outside or even a stranger. I’ve stopped having regular phone calls and am talking with everyone via Facetime or Zoom. I’m having longer and more frequent conversations because I have more time on my hands and fewer distractions. It’s nice.
Yesterday, an acquaintance posted on Facebook that she was having a tough time. I messaged her, and we FaceTimed last night. We had dinner together and talked. She said she felt so much better afterward. I’m glad I could be there for her. I don’t think I would have made that same call a few weeks ago. There are definitely some good things coming out of a very bad situation.
When you date curing COVID, the stage is set to create an even deeper connection right now because of our shared accessibility, our vulnerability and the current outpouring of kindness. Most of us are at home on our phones and computers. A recent study showed that when you date during COVID it could bring back courtship and romance not just swiping. People are more accessible than ever. Plus, many of us are feeling a little lonely or bored and want to connect, so why not take advantage of the situation and even have some fun with it?
There are a lot of advantages to video dates:
1.People are very AVAILABLE, so take advantage of this
2.You don’t have to deal with traffic or parking
3. You don’t have to figure out where to meet
4.You don’t have to be concerned about your safety
5.You don’t have to worry about who pays for dinner. Video dating is free
6.You get to see someone’s home – that tells you a lot about them (so make sure you pick a good spot with good lighting)
7.If you have a pet, he or she can say hello on the date 🙂
8.You don’t have to worry about the first kiss
9.You won’t be tempted to have sex – you can easily keep things rated PG
10.If you like someone, you can schedule your next video date immediately – for like, tomorrow! 🙂
11.If you connect with someone, you can spend lots of time together
12. You’ll have something fun to do and look forward to right now
When you date during COVID, it’s also a great opportunity to see how potential partners behave under stressful situations.  If you can see how someone reacts under these circumstances right at the beginning of your blossoming romance, it’ll give you good insight into how they handle unexpected life challenges.