Austin Matchmaker


Fireworks Are For The 4th Of July

Fireworks are for the 4th of July.  Studies show that attraction can develop over time. It is impossible to know someone well enough in just a few hours. While chemistry is important, feeling love (or lust) at first sight isn’t a realistic gauge of a relationship’s success. Not feeling those love-dovey sparks on the very first date shouldn’t be a total deal breaker.

Fireworks on a first date is like a sparkler. You light it. It is bright, pretty and exciting while it lasts, but the intensity is over before you know it.   First dates are full of anxiety and expectations, so it might be wise not to entirely judge your feelings toward someone based entirely on that one night.

The thing is, when you have an incredible first date, the sparks flying blind you. You should not love a person within a few hours of meeting them. You don’t know them. So if you find yourself in love so quickly, odds are you like the idea of the other person, or  you find them so attractive you tend to overlook everything else about their personality.

For some people, this initial spark may turn into a relationship, but the mistake that many people make is thinking that if there isn’t an initial spark, then this person must not be a good match—when in fact the opposite could be true. A Professional Matchmaker in Austin not only can introduce you to compatible singles but also help you determine why no sparks doesn’t mean you should dismiss the idea of a second date.

The basis of a lasting, satisfying relationship is a solid friendship and common values. This takes time to discover. It is better to let a relationship to evolve naturally without expectations. As that foundation is strengthened, the fireworks you seek won’t be far behind. And this time it will last a lot longer than a sparkler!

You never know what the second date will bring, because as nice as it is to feel those sparks right away, they aren’t always necessarily proof of compatibility.  This is exactly how a Professional Matchmaker  can help guide you through the confusing dating world that teaches us attraction should be the starting point of all relationships. Give your date a chance, as the experts advise. You never know if someone will end up being the person you’re meant to be with. Fireworks are for the 4th of July, not first dates.

That, in a nutshell, is why a good-enough first date is worth a second go around. Without the infatuation that comes after an incredible first date, you’re able to set realistic expectations for what the future will hold. Over time, you’ll get to see — and perhaps slowly fall in love with — who someone really is instead of the person you simply want them to be.

So regardless, going out with someone is very rarely a total wash. Learning about yourself, and what you want from someone else, is valuable on its own.

And if you are ready for the real thing,  we offer complimentary consultations!  We’ve helped hundreds of Austin singles find love in our amazing city!  Why delay happiness when you can have
Something More?

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