Austin Matchmaker


Join Our Database


 If you are not quite ready to be a full service matchmaking client, we invite you to join our  our private and exclusive database.(intake form is below) . If your match qualities align with one of our clients,  we will confirm you both want to meet each other and take care of all the details for your date.  First names only and no contact information is provided until you give us permission. All we ask in return is that you make a one time investment  of $450  to activate your lifetime database membership.  Your membership provides you with many benefits such as:

  • Lifetime database membership
  • Unlimited matches 
  • Thoroughly vetted and pre-screened matches 
  • A custom bio written especially for you (you can even use it on dating apps!)
  • Presentation of your custom bio to clients
  • Compatibility assessments for each potential match
  • Coordination of all matchmaking experiences
  • Date feedback and advice
  • Guidance throughout the process.
  • 100% Privacy. No contact information is exchanged without your permission.
  • Confidential consultation with a Matchmaker upon request